Journals for Spiritual Growth

You’ll hear the word “higher-self” used frequently in the spiritual community.

The higher-self is the transcendental part of you that is connected to a higher power or source. It is your most divine, wise, and loving consciousness that can be accessed through meditation and introspection.

Connecting to your higher-self is like accessing your soul’s wisdom for inspiration and insights.

Journaling allows your higher-self to communicate through writing and create space to reflect.

The best time to journal is in the early morning before you start your day or at the end of each day.

BENEFITS of journaling

  • Reflect on your daily experiences for greater insight and mindfulness

  • Improve memory recall

  • Get to know yourself

  • Discover your values, strengths, weaknesses and things you feel strongly about

  • Improve problem-solving skills

  • Improve your style of communication

  • Clear your mind and organize information

  • Release stress and process emotions

  • Identify recurring life patterns

journaling styles and methods


An omni journal is a single all-encompassing, catch-all journal.

Organize your journal in topics of your choice or have no form at all. The idea is that it’s one journal that contains everything. There’s no need to make it perfectly organized.

Take a few minutes to meditate and write down anything that crosses your mind.

Examples of what to include in your omni journal:

  • Morning pages journal or diary

  • To-do list

  • Quotes

  • Sketchbook

  • Bucket list

  • Brainstorming ideas

  • Goals

  • Affirmations

  • Mood tracker

  • Food planner

  • Fitness tracker

  • Memoirs

  • Journal prompts: people who inspire you, philosophical questions, shadow work, wheel of life, what activities energized and drained you etc. More journal prompt ideas on Pinterest.

An omni journal is a simple way to get into the habit and flow of consistent writing and getting to know yourself.


“When you send out heart felt thanks to the universe for the blessings you receive, the divine energy lovingly responds by giving you even more blessings.”

Gratitude is the key to happiness. Being grateful is an easy way to express thankfulness and increase positive thinking in your life.

The universal law of gratitude states that If you focus on what you don’t have, you direct energies to discontent and lack, but if you want to attract more good things into your life, you must be grateful for the things you already have.

Prompts to get you started: 52 Gratitude Prompts for 52 Weeks of Appreciation.

Make time to bless the things you want to attract into your life, discover the depth of your gratitude and gain perspective of what’s truly important.

The point of a gratitude journal is not so much about what you write but more about how you feel. Feeling grateful is what brings abundance.


Dreams can provide insights, visions, inspirations, symbolic messages, access to energetic powers, aid manifestation, show you what needs healing and give teachings by specific teachers or guides.

Set an intention to remember your dream before going to sleep. The moment you wake up, log your dreams. Give your dream a title, describe the story, identify any symbols, archetypes, elements, and any associated feelings.

It takes time, but eventually you’ll increase your sensitivity to receiving more messages.

A tool to help you recall your dreams is to use plant medicine with herbs like valerian, mugwort, or sweet gale to increase lucid dreaming.

Place certain gemstones next to your bed or under your pillow to aid dream work such as amethyst, howlite, moonstone, rose quartz, labradorite, lapis lazuli, kyanite, selenite, or blue lace agate.

Review your dream journal to identify any reoccurring patterns and look up the meaning of your dreams online to see if anything resonates. 


“Writing our prayers encourages our minds to purposely choose our words and allows our hearts to engage in meaningful conversations.”

Praying is a spiritual practice of communicating between God or a Higher Power.

Get specific with what you need. What is it that you need today? Is it guidance or healing in a particular situation with health, love, money, or safety?

Set the intention that things will work in divine timing or unless something better is coming your way. If it’s in God’s plan for you to receive something then it will in perfect timing.

A prayer journal will track how the universe is answering your prayers.

If you are trying to manifest something into your life, write it down in present tense and feel as if it already happened. Your thoughts attract everything into your life.

The best time to write in your manifestation journal is during the new moon, which represents new beginnings and is the perfect time to plant your seeds and implement your intentions.

Keep track of all the ways the universe tries to speak to you through conversations, signs, song lyrics, synchronicities, angel numbers, and many other ways.

Remember to always thank the universe for what you receive.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing, also known as psychography, is a technique where you clear your mind and allow words to flow from your subconscious mind or spiritual guide without consciously deciding what to write.

Automatic writing is used as a form of self-discovery, therapy, or spiritual exploration that is not easily accessed through our conscious mind.

There have been known authors who have written books through automatic writing such as A Course In Miracles, which was a phenomenon that touched the lives of millions.

Meditating or entering a calm, relaxed state allows you to tap into automatic writing with the correct trance-like, altered state of consciousness.

When you practice automatic writing be in a good mood, call in protection, set an intention, then start writing freely without censoring or judging what you’ve written down.


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